STUDY 2024


Since 2016, the Lab Femmes de Cinéma realize an annual study on the place of women directors in cinema in Europe. Initially qualitative and quantitative, since 2020 we have relied on statistics from our partner the European Audiovisual Observatory, and therefore now focus exclusively on purely qualitative work.

This study aims to present a comprehensive overview of existing measures and policies to promote parity in cinema in Europe, therefore our study :

  • draw up an annual review of the situation in Europe, 
  • compile a collection of existing best practices to promote inclusion in the cinema.

This study covers some thirty European countries, to which we send questions each year via their film institutes. The information presented in this study is therefore a synthesis of information sent in previous years, new responses sent to us by the institutes, and additional information found on their institutional websites. Our detailed methodology can be found in the study.

To access the PDF of the study, click above


We also work closely with EFAD, which puts us in touch with the National Film Agencies of all its member countries, proofreads the study and distributes it to its members. The French Ministry of Culture has been supporting us since 2022, the French CNC since 2023 and Eurimages since 2024.

This study is to be distributed as widely as possible, so please don’t hesitate to pass it on, use it or reproduce its data. We simply ask that you cite your source (mention: Study by Lab Femmes de Cinéma).
We are also at your disposal for interviews or to present our results at pan-European events.